Hwy 287 Mansfield, Grand Prairie, Midlothian, TX

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On Hwy 287 from Hwy 67 in Midlothian down to Hwy 360 in Mansfield is purely a death trap where vehicles are driving at  speeds from 65 – 90mph easily.

The homes within this community are being built much faster than the infrastructure.

This sequence of development puts the lives of everyone who travels this highway at increased risks of accidents and death on a daily basis.

There are no overpasses or underpasses to ensure safe merging or crossing.

Construction actually installed a curb inches from the road to allow u-turns onto the opposite side of the highway.

I am constantly in fear that myself or others will easily hit that curb at a high rate of speed.

People are literally playing Double Dutch and Russian Roulette with their lives to get onto the highway.

This section of the highway needs to be shutdown until authorities correct these hazards.

Please! For the lives of everyone who travels this highway! Please shut down this highway!


@NHTSA @USDOTFHWA @CityMansfieldTX @MidlothianTX @GP_TX

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